Friday, January 02, 2009

Nachtrag Weihnachten

Hier ein Gruppenfoto von unserer Weihnachtsparty am Heiligen Abend:

Und hier das Gedicht, das Gijs über mich verfasst hat:

To Santa, Klaus is a very special friend. They share the same name, and they tend to be big and jolly and have a golden heart. And without sucking up, they're both rather smart. However, there are some differences too. Klaus likes airplanes and Santa likes sleighs. Raindeer versus women of the Han race. Pure Norwegian versus fake German. These things make it hard to determine what kind of present would be right? In other words: what might delight Klaus Marhold in all his grace? A submarine? An airbase? That would be too much, because Santa doesn't have money. That leaves us with something useful or something funny. Klaus's desire for knowledge is burning, so let us buy him something he can use for learning. To keep his vocabulary from lagging behind, this cute little notebook was easy to find.

Hier Jon mit ein paar der Geschenke, die er bekommen hat:

Marco und Jang: